Research Press
Below are press, media, and blog articles describing my research area and
related topics.
- New Scientist (November 2024):
We may be about to solve the greatest riddle ofelectromagnetism [pdf], Jacklin Kwan
- Le Monde (August 2024):
Une belle moisson de neutrinos pour les physiciens, David Larousserie
- Nature (July 2024):
Elusive high-energy neutrinos spotted
at LHC [pdf], Davide Castelvecchi
- Physical Review Letters Synopsis (July 2024):
First Direct Detection of Electron Neutrinos at a Particle Collider [pdf], Nikhil Karthik
- Heising-Simons Foundation (May 2024):
A Shot in the Dark [pdf], Michael Blanding
- CERN (April 2024):
FASER measures high-energy neutrino interaction strength [pdf], Piotr Traczyk
- Economist (March 2024):
Physicists are reimagining dark matter [pdf]
- Chinese Science Bulletin (December 2023):
FASER experiment: An introduction and research progress [pdf] (in Chinese), Jinfeng Liu, Hao Pang, Chi Wang, Xiaocong Ai, Xin Chen, Zhen Hu
- Medium (October 2023):
Cosmic Ray Mysteries and Collider Neutrinos [pdf], Camila Machado
- Physics Today (September 2023):
First detections of collider neutrinos generate excitement [pdf], Allison Gasparini
- CERN Courier (September 2023):
Looking forward at the LHC [pdf], Jamie Boyd, Albert De Roeck, Juan Rojo
- (August 2023):
The first observation of neutrinos at CERN's Large Hadron Collider [pdf], Ingrid Fadelli
- Physics Viewpoint (July 2023):
The Dawn of Collider Neutrino Physics [pdf], Elizabeth Worcester
- CERN Video (April 2023):
FASER observes first collider neutrinos, Animations: Maximilien Brice and Piotr Traczyk, Producer: Chetna Krishna
- CERN News (March 2023):
New LHC experiments enter uncharted territory
[pdf], Kristiane Bernhard-Novotny and Chetna Krishna
- UCI News (March 2023):
UC Irvine-led team is first to detect neutrinos made by a particle collider
[pdf], Lucas Joel
- Physics Today (November 2022):
Philanthropy plays a growing role in funding US physical sciences
[pdf], Toni Feder
- Symmetry Magazine (September 2022):
Catching neutrinos at the LHC
[pdf], Chetna Krishna
- NBC Los Angeles (July 2022):
‘Science Now is Very Social': Inside the Particle Physics Conference That Helps Shape 10 Years of Research
[pdf], Maggie More
- Physics Today (May 2022):
W-boson mass hints at physics beyond the standard model
[pdf], Heather M. Hill
- Symmetry Magazine (April 2022):
Can a theory ever die?
[pdf], Sarah Charley
- Scientific American (April 2022):
Large Hadron Collider
Seeks New Particles after Major Upgrade
[pdf], Daniel Garisto
- IEEE Spectrum (December 2021):
12 Exciting Engineering Milestones to Look for in 2022
[pdf], Michael Koziol
- Scientific American (December 2021):
Elusive Neutrino Candidates Detected in Breakthrough Physics Experiment
[pdf], Chelsea Gohd
- Newsweek (November 2021):
Neutrino Signals Detected at Large Hadron Collider for First Time Ever
[pdf], Ed Browne
- Gizmodo (November 2021):
Physicists Detect Neutrinos for First Time Using Large Hadron Collider
[pdf], Isaac Schultz
- Jerusalem Post (November 2021):
Neutrinos detected in particle collider for first time at CERN
[pdf], Tzvi Joffre
- Science Alert (November 2021):
Physicists Detect Elusive 'Ghost Particles' in The LHC For The Very First Time
[pdf], Michelle Starr
- Science Times (November 2021):
For the First Time Large Hadron Collider FASER Experiment Reveals Ghost Particle Neutrinos
[pdf], Ron Jefferson
- Vice (November 2021):
‘Ghost Particles‘ Detected at Large Hadron Collider in Breakthrough
[pdf], Audrey Carleton
- Forbes Magazine (November 2021):
Suitcase-Sized Neutrino
Detector Hits Pay Dirt At Large
Hadron Collider
[pdf], Bruce Dorminey
- UCI News (November 2021):
UCI-led team of physicists detects signs of neutrinos at Large Hadron
[pdf], Brian Bell
- Symmetry Magazine (September 2021):
Curious physics results could shed light on dark matter
[pdf], Madeleine O'Keefe
- UCI Division of Undergraduate Education (August 2021):
UCI Phi Beta Kappa Receives Prestigious Outstanding Public University Chapters Award
- UCI School of Physical Sciences (August 2021):
Jonathan Feng Becomes UCI Distinguished Professor
[pdf], Lucas Joel
- CERN Bulletin (June 2021):
catches first candidate collider neutrinos
[pdf], Ana Lopes
- CERN Courier (June 2021):
Collider neutrinos on the horizon
[pdf], Matthew Chalmers
- Science News (May 2021):
a first, neutrinos were caught interacting at the Large Hadron Collider
[pdf], Emily Conover
- CERN Live on Instagram (April 2021):
from the LHC Tunnel: The FASER Experiment
- CERN Bulletin (March 2021):
is Born
[pdf], Anais Schaeffer
- UCI Physical Sciences (December 2020):
Can Something the Size of a
Few Washing Machines Find the Biggest Thing in the Universe?
[pdf], Lucas Joel
- Symmetry Magazine (August 2020):
particles get their moment
[pdf], Sarah Charley
- Physics World (June 2020):
evidence for a ‘fifth force’ found in radioactive decay measurements
[pdf], Edwin Cartlidge
- New Scientist (May 2020):
have seen hints of a new fundamental force of nature
[pdf], Daniel Cossins
- Medium (May 2020):
Help UCI Illuminate the Dark Universe
[pdf], Lucas Joel
- CERN Courier (December 2019):
Atomki anomaly merits closer scrutiny
[pdf], Matthew Chalmers
- CERN News (December 2019):
new detector expected to catch first collider neutrino
[pdf], Ana Lopes
- CNN (November 2019):
'no-brainer Nobel Prize': Hungarian scientists may have found a
fifth force of nature
[pdf], Ryan Prior
- New Scientist Magazine (November 2019):
see new hints of a fifth force of nature
hidden in helium
[pdf], Stuart Clark
- Science Magazine (May 2019):
smasher could be making new particles that are hiding in plain sight
[pdf], Adrian Cho
- Symmetry Magazine (May 2019):
A Wide Net
[pdf], Jim Daley
- Prospect Magazine (May 2019):
hunt for dark matter—the missing ingredient
without which our universe would not exist
[pdf], Philip Ball
- Symmetry Magazine (April 2019):
Hands On Deck
[pdf], Ali Sundermier
- Physics Today (March 2019):
small detector could strike big in the search for dark matter
[pdf], Toni Feder
- Los Angeles Times (March 2019):
UCI professors aid search for dark matter particles in new experiment
[pdf], Lilly Nguyen
- Symmetry Magazine (March 2019):
New Experiment at the LHC
[pdf], Caitlyn Buongiorno,
Artwork: Michael Branigan
- Il Repubblica (March 2019):
Cern riprende la sua caccia: i fisici ora cercano le particelle sconosciute
- Heising-Simons Foundation (March 2019):
New Hunt for Undiscovered Dark Matter Particles at CERN's Large
Hadron Collider
- Simons Foundation (March 2019):
a New Hunt for Undiscovered Particles at CERN's Large Hadron Collider
- UCI News (March 2019):
approves UCI-initiated hunt for new particles at the Large Hadron Collider,
Brian Bell
- CERN News (March 2019):
approves new experiment to look for long-lived, exotic
particles, Cristina Agrigoroae
- New Scientist (December 2018):
the dark
[pdf], Daniel Cossins
- Physics World (June 2018):
Target the Dark Photon
[pdf], Edwin Cartlidge
- Gizmodo (June 2018):
What Is Dark Matter and Why Hasn't Anyone Found It Yet?
[pdf], Ryan Mandelbaum
- Los Angeles Times (November 2017):
researchers' equations get a role on `The Big Bang Theory' episode Thursday
[pdf], Priscella Vega
- UCI News (November 2017):
physics debuts in prime time
[pdf], Brian Bell
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (October 2017):
Feature: Lighting the Way for Dark Matter
[pdf], Adam Mann
- Science (March 2017):
search for unseen dark matter, physicists turn to shadow realm
[pdf], Adrian Cho
- Nautilus (March 2017):
Are Closing in on Intriguing Evidence For a Fifth Force Of
Nature [pdf], Philip
- World Journal (December 2016):
Professors Elected Fellows of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science
[pdf], Zhuang Ting
- New Scientist (August 2016):
among us
[pdf], Stuart Clark
- Scientific American (August 2016):
Confronts Its Heart of Darkness
[pdf], Lee Billings
- Particle Bites (August 2016):
The Delirium over Beryllium
[pdf], Flip Tanedo
- Los Angeles Times (August 2016):
physicists discover a previously unknown fifth force of nature?
[pdf], Amina Khan
- Take Two, Southern California Public Radio (August 2016):
a fifth force of nature went unnoticed by physicists, until now
- Business Insider (August 2016):
possible hidden force could hold the key to unlocking the
mysterious dark universe
[pdf], Ali Sundermier
- (August 2016):
a New, Fifth Force of Nature Been Found?
[pdf], Mike Wall
- Symmetry Magazine (July 2016):
Atomki Anomaly
[pdf], Kathryn Jepsen
- Physics Central (July 2016):
Results Hint at Fifth Fundamental Force
[pdf], Stephen Skolnick
- Live Science (July 2016):
Fifth Force: Fact or Fiction?
[pdf], Don Lincoln
- Quanta Magazine (June 2016):
of a 'Fifth Force' Faces Scrutiny
[pdf], Natalie
- Financial Times (June 2016):
have opened up a thrilling wonderland
[pdf], Anjana Ahuja
- Nature (May 2016):
a Hungarian physics lab found a fifth force of nature?
[pdf], Edwin Cartlidge
- New Scientist (February 2016):
sunshine' could illuminate the search for dark matter
[pdf], Jacob
- PBS Television (January 2016):
Extra Dimensions
Dark Matters,
Jorge Cham, Daniel Whiteson, Jonathan Feng
- Symmetry (December 2015):
Could Dark Matter Be? [pdf],
Laura Dattaro
- Nova (October 2015):
for Dark Matter [pdf], Maggie
- Science (October 2015):
physicists seen the dying flash of dark matter?
[pdf], Edwin Cartlidge
- Popular Science (September 2015):
5 Facts
About The Search For Dark Matter
[pdf], Ilima Loomis
- Symmetry Magazine (September 2015):
Do protons decay? [pdf],
Matthew R. Francis
- Physics World (April 2015):
Will of the WISPs [pdf],
Edwin Cartlidge
- Sky and Telescope (March
2015): How
Slippery is Dark Matter?
[pdf], Monica Young
- Science (October
2014): Dark
Matter: Out with the WIMPs, in with the SIMPs?
[pdf], Adrian Cho
- Physics World (October
2014): Dark matter could light up giant mirror
[pdf], Edwin Cartlidge
- World Journal (September
2014): Jonathan
Feng Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship
[pdf], San Yan Emma Wang
- World Journal (September
2014): Unveiling
the Secrets of the Origin of the Universe: Jonathan Feng Collaborates
in Search for "Dark Matter"
[pdf], San Yan Emma Wang
- Nature (January
2014): Search
for primordial black holes called off
[pdf], Eugenie Samuel Reich
- Symmetry Magazine (December 2013):
Particle Physicists Look to Space
[pdf], Lori Ann White
- Symmetry Magazine (November 2013):
Early Universe
[pdf], Kathryn Jepsen
- Science (November
2013): Dark
Matter's Dark Horse
[pdf], Adrian Cho
- APS News (October
2013): Panel
Contemplates Choices on Snowmass Menu
[pdf], Michael Lucibella
- Wired (October
2013): Huge
Dark Matter Experiment Finds Nothing but More Mysteries
[pdf], Adam Mann
- Nature (October
2013): Final
Word is Near on Dark-matter Signal
[pdf], Eugenie Samuel Reich
- Wired (May
2013): Strange
Dark Matter Interactions Could Create Galactic Disks and Dark
Light [pdf], Adam Mann
- New Scientist (April
2013): Tentative
dark matter hits fit with shadow dark sector
[pdf], Valerie Jamieson
- Symmetry Magazine (Jaunary 2013):
the Dark Universe
[pdf], Glennda Chui
- PhD Comics (September 2012): Extra Dimensions
[Animation], Jorge Cham, Daniel Whiteson, Jonathan
- USA Today (August
2012): 'God
particle' may shed light on dark matter
[pdf], Dan Vergano
- Orange County Register (July 2012): Scientists:
Discovery could be `God' particle [pdf], Pat Brennan
- New Scientist (January 2012): Dark
matter mysteries: a true game of shadows [pdf], Stuart Clark
- American Scientist (December 2011): Exploring
the Dark Universe [pdf], Jonathan Feng
- CERN Bulletin (June 2011): Comic book tells the tale of Dark
Matter, Katarina Anthony
- New Scientist (June 2011): Slim and beautiful: Galaxies too good
to be true, Vanessa Thomas and Richard Webb
- New Scientist (May 2011): Second experiment hints at seasonal
dark matter signal, Valerie Jamieson
- PhD Comics (April 2011): Dark Matters [Animation, Stills],
Jorge Cham, Daniel Whiteson, Jonathan Feng
- Nature News (March 2011):
The Hunting of the Dark, Adam Mann
- Washington Post (February 2011):
opens up a window on energy in the universe [pdf], Eric Niiler
- OC Register (November 2010): Does
the Universe have a Dark Side?, Pat Brennan
- Scientific American (November 2010): Dark Worlds, Jonathan Feng and Mark Trodden
- New Scientist (October 2010):
Hints of lightweight dark matter particle found in space, Rachel
- APS Physics (April 2010): Trouble for dark matter explanations of excess cosmic
positrons, Stanley Brown
- (December 2008):
What if Dark Matter Particles Aren't WIMPs?, Miranda Marquit
Scientific American (October 2008):
New Theories May Shed Light on Dark Matter, John Matson
National Geographic (September 2008):
Worst Case: Collider Spawns Planet-Devouring Black
Hole, Anne Minard
- Orange County Register (September 2008): World's biggest
physics tool debuts with UCI's help, Gary Robbins
Nature (July 2008):
Super-sensitive tool key to dark matter claim,
Geoff Brumfiel
New Scientist (July 2008):
Crucible of Creation,
Matthew Chalmers
UC Office of the President Newroom (June 2008):
Ask It! - Black Holes Annihilating the Earth?,
Donna Hemmila
New Scientist (June 2008):
New Contenders Emerge for Dark Matter Title,
Anil Ananthaswamy
Orange County Register (February 2008):
UCI Teams with Caltech, UCLA on $12 Million Astronomy
Gary Robbins
Physics World (February 2008):
Dark matter may not be so dark,
Matthew Chalmers
Science Magazine (July 2007):
Racing to Capture Darkness,
Adrian Cho and Richard Stone
Popular Science (January 2007):
2007: The Year Ahead, Popular Science Staff
Edutopia (November 2006):
Does Dark Matter Matter?, Christopher Thomas Scott
World Science (May 2006):
Machine Could Detect Dark Matter, Physicists Say, World Science Staff
- (April 2006):
Producing Dark Matter, Miranda Marquit
PhysicsWeb (April 2006):
No WIMPs -- only superWIMPs, Belle Dume
New Scientist (January 2006):
Ice-bound neutrino hunter may bolster string theory, Maggie McKee
- (January 2006):
South Pole Neutrino Detector Could Yield Evidences of String
Theory, PhysOrg Staff
Orange County Register (June 2005):
Taking up all that space, Gary Robbins
Orange County Register (January 2005):
The formula for genius, Gary Robbins
OC Weekly (October 2004):
Best of OC 2004, OC Weekly Staff
Discover (June 2004):
Black Holes Made Here, Karen Wright
CERN Courier (May 2004):
There's plenty of room at the top, Roberto Battiston
Essential Science Indicators (April 2004):
Black Holes: Interview, ESI Staff
CERN Courier (April 2004):
Bringing the heavens down to Earth, Nikolaos Mavramatos and James Pinfold
Science (October 2003):
Searching for Gravity's Hidden Strength, Jonathan Feng
Nature (July 2003):
Dark matter may be undetectable, Philip Ball
Orange County Register (July 2003):
UCI proposes what's behind dark matter, Gary Robbins
Sky and Telescope (June 2003):
Delving into Extra Dimensions, Robert Naeye
Orange County Register (January 2003):
Lots in space, Pat Brennan
Discover Magazine (January 2003):
Astronomers Search for Dimension X, Fenella Saunders
New Scientist (November 2002):
Antarctic neutrino trap comes with superstrings attached, Marcus Chown
Physical Review Focus (November 2002):
Detecting Dark Dimensions, J R Minkel
Nature News Feature (September 2002):
Let's catch some rays, Philip Ball
Nature (May 2002):
Hope for neutrino detection, Philip Ball
American Institute of Physics News Update (April 2002):
Ultrahigh-Energy Neutrinos, Phil Schewe, James Riordon, and Ben Stein
Science News (March 2002):
The Black Hole Next Door, Peter Weiss
USA Today (January 2002):
Collision course creates microscopic `black holes', Dan Vergano
Physical Review Focus (January 2002):
Black Holes from Heaven, J R Minkel
Nature (January 2002):
Observatory could detect hidden dimensions, Philip Ball
The Onion (May 2000):
MIT Physicists Split The Smithereen, Onion Peel
For Asian media: My name in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese
December 2024